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I was an art student, turned long distance driver. A lonely life, with strangers for company, passers-by as friends, but Stars of the Road to guide you. After 20 years I went back painting - the one subject I knew. No Still-lifes or Nudes - but Lorries and Roads. Art galleries weren't interested, so our family took our own fixed display of originals around, nationwide. No-one was doing this then. We travelled the show 22 years, up to 2007, selling paintings, prints, cards and books, with winter calendar delivery trips. We gained plenty of work, and met some amazing folk.

Hard Going sometimes.

The Charmed Life always !


est. 1984

When I was a driver my wife, Colleen, came on trips with me. The painting, in Flashe Vinyl with Hemlock frame, shows us going by the fog bound Windwhistle, old A30 near Crewkerne. We were away for the week and not long married.

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